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Wedding planners

Felix Fay.webp

Faytastic Wedding by Felix Fay

Wedding Planner, Felix is highly professional and extraordinarily skilled at planning  your wedding from start to finish.

Felix Fay is an expert  Wedding Planner who will ensure a seamless day. 


Sara Mazzei Event Creation

 Sara Mazzei is a Master Wedding Planner and Concept Designer with a keen eye for exquisite style; they design, plan and produce luxury events and weddings in Switzerland, France and Italy. Headquarters in both Florence and Zürich, SM Event Creation welcomes international clients who wish to organize luxury events with special attention to fun and entertainment. 





Professional Swiss Master Planners and Wedding Stylists with a reputation for precision and excellence. This dynamic duo transform visions into reality. Highly recommend for exclusive weddings and discerning clientele.


Sandra Orozco

Sandra specializes in Planning, Concept Design and 3D layouts. Ideal for couples looking for precision and high attention to detail. 


Nadia Jung Weddings & Events 

Euer Wedding Planner für Premium-Hochzeiten in Deutschland, Europa und international. Mit hingebungsvoller Perfektion plant, designt und begleitet Nadia Jung International Premium Weddings die schönsten Traumhochzeiten. Weltweit.


Raum & Kleid

Designer, Stylisten, Floristen, Planer & Projektmanament unter einem Hut.

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